Administrator's Guide


EpsonNet WinAssist/MacAssist/WebAssist

EpsonNet MacAssist Utility

EpsonNet MacAssist dialog box
About passwords

This section describes the features and uses of the EpsonNet MacAssist dialog box. See Configuring for AppleTalk Using EpsonNet MacAssist about the configuration dialog box.

EpsonNet MacAssist dialog box

List box:

The print server information is displayed in the List box. The information consists of the printer model, the MAC address, the IP address, and the print server name.


You can set the time-out used for communication by EpsonNet MacAssist to a value between 3 and 99 seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.

By clicking Select Zone, you can add a zone to search for print servers in a particular zone. The print servers which belong to the selected zone are displayed in the List box and you can change their settings. The zones acquired from the network environment are displayed in the Zone list. The zones to be searched are displayed in the Search list. The maximum number of zones that can be displayed in the Zone list and Search zone is 2000. You need to restart EpsonNet MacAssist for settings to take effect.

Launch Browser button:

Select a printer to configure, and then click this button. EpsonNet WebAssist starts to configure the Internal Print Server. EpsonNet MacAssist automatically closes when the browser launches.

Configuration button:

Select a printer to configure, and click this button to configure the Internal Print Server using EpsonNet MacAssist.

Quit button:

Exits EpsonNet MacAssist.


About passwords

A password is required to configure the Internal Print Server. There is no default password. When you click OK in the setting dialog box or click the Return to default button, the Password dialog box appears.

To set a password or when you want to change the current password, click Change.

Type a password (up to 20 characters) and click OK. Passwords are case sensitive.

  • The password is used for EpsonNet WinAssist, MacAssist, and WebAssist.
  • Since a new password becomes effective after the data is sent to the Internal Print Server, use the old password immediately after changing the password.
  • If you forget your password, initialize the printer. To do this, turn on the printer while pressing the Continue (Reset) button on the printer's control panel. Be aware that all the printer and network settings you have made will be cleared when you initialize.



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