When this option is turned on in the SelecType mode, each carriage return (CR) code is automatically followed by a line feed (LF) code.
bidirectional printing
Printing in which the print head prints in both directions (bidirectionally) from left to right and then right to left. This increases the print speed but may reduce precise vertical alignment. See also unidirectional printing.
character table
A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that provides you with the set of characters used in a particular language.
characters per inch (cpi)
The number of characters that can fit in one inch of a text line, determined by the size of the characters. See also pitch.
continuous paper
Paper that has sprocket-feed holes on both long edges, is perforated between pages, and is supplied in a folded stack. Also called fanfold paper.
control codes
Special codes used to control printer functions, such as a carriage return or line feed, instead of printing characters.
Value settings that take effect when a device (such as a printer) is turned on, reset, or initialized.
A halftoning method in which dots are printed in a predetermined pattern to simulate a shade or tone. Dithering works best for images with solid colors, such as charts and graphs. See also halftoning.
dot matrix
A method of printing in which each letter or symbol is formed by a pattern (matrix) of individual dots.
The print mode used by your printer when you select Draft as the font. The Draft font uses fewer dots per character for faster printing. See also near letter quality (NLQ).
Abbreviation for EPSON Standard Code for Printers, the system of commands your computer uses to control your printer. It is standard for all Epson printers and supported by most application software for personal computers.
A style of type designated by a name such as Roman or Sans Serif.
form feed (FF)
A control panel button and control code that advances the paper to the next top-of-form position.
A method of using dot patterns to represent an image. Halftoning makes it possible to produce varying shades of gray using only black dots, or a nearly infinite array of colors using only a few colors of dots. See also dithering.
hex dump
A troubleshooting method that helps identify the cause of communication problems between the printer and the computer. When the printer is in hex dump mode, it prints each code that it receives in hexadecimal notation as well as in ASCII codes that stand for characters. Also called data dump.
The connection between the computer and the printer through which print data is transmitted to the printer.
Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation gives you a page that is wider than it is high and is useful for printing spreadsheets. See also portrait.
line feed (LF)
A control panel button and control code that advances the paper one line space.
Micro Adjust function
A printer function that allows you to precisely adjust the tear-off, top-of-form, and loading positions.
near letter quality (NLQ)
The print mode used by your printer to produce near letter-quality fonts for better readability and appearance. Print speed is slower. See also draft.
The horizontal size of the font, which is measured by the number of characters per inch (cpi). The standard is 10 cpi. See also characters per inch (cpi).
Printing that is oriented upright on the page (as opposed to landscape, in which printing is sideways on the page). This is the standard orientation for printing letters or documents. See also landscape.
printer driver
A software program that sends commands for using the functions of a particular printer.
A measure of the amount of detail that can be represented. Resolution of printed images is measured by using the number of dots per inch (dpi).
self test
A method for checking the operation of the printer. When you run the self test, an internally stored self-pattern is printed.
standby position
The position of your continuous paper when it is attached to the push tractor but not loaded in the printer.
tear-off position
The position of your continuous paper where you can tear off your printed pages at the printer's tear-off edge. Using the Micro Adjust function, you can adjust the tear-off position so that the paper's perforation is aligned with the tear-off edge.
top-of-form position
The position on the paper that the printer recognizes as the first printable line. This is the default top margin position. Using the Micro Adjust function, you can adjust the top-of-form position.
unidirectional printing
Printing in which the print head prints in one direction only. Unidirectional printing is useful for printing graphics because it provides precise vertical alignment. You can select unidirectional printing using the printer's SelecType mode. See also bidirectional printing.