Reference Guide


Maintenance and Troubleshooting / Troubleshooting

Scanner Operation Problems

The scanner does not scan
An error message appears and the scanner does not scan
Pressing the buttons does not start the desired applications properly
Pressing the buttons in a Mac OS X environment starts the Classic mode
You cannot scan multiple images

Problems you may have while using the scanner often involve the operation of your software and computer. Operation problems usually occur because of:

See your Start Here poster to confirm that you have set up in the correct way. Also, see the documentation that comes with your computer and software for possible solutions.

The scanner does not scan

Try one or more of the following solutions.


An error message appears and the scanner does not scan

For Windows XP and 2000 users

In a Windows XP Home Edition, XP Professional, or 2000 Professional environment using a USB 2.0 connection, the scanner may stop scanning and the message, "Cannot properly communicate with the scanner. Make sure the scanner is on, properly connected, and properly set up to scan. If using a SCSI connection, restart your computer." may appear. In this case, follow the steps below to install a patch.

Make sure the scanner is connected to your computer correctly and the scanner is turned on. Make sure all unnecessary applications are closed.

Insert the scanner software CD in the CD-ROM drive. If the installer starts automatically, click Exit.

For Windows XP users:
Click Start, click My Computer, and then select EPSON. Select Open from the File menu.

For Windows 2000 users:
Double-click the My Computer icon, select EPSON, and then select Open from the File menu.

Double-click esuf41e.exe in the u2patch folder to install the patch.

After the patch is installed, disconnect the USB cable from your computer and then reconnect it to the same port.

If you change the USB ports, you will need to install the patch again.

For Perfection 2580 users

Make sure no film is loaded in the Auto Film Loader. If it is loaded, turn on the scanner, and then press the Eject button to eject the film.

For Mac OS X users

In Classic mode the scanner may not work properly. Therefore quit the Classic mode.


Pressing the buttons does not start the desired applications properly

Try one or more of the following solutions.


Pressing the buttons in a Mac OS X environment starts the Classic mode

Be sure to install the scanner software in a Mac OS X environment, but not in the Classic mode.


You cannot scan multiple images

Try one or more of the following solutions.



Version NPD0616-00, Copyright © 2004, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION