Administrator's Guide


Settings by System / Settings for NetWare

Introduction to NetWare Settings

Supported systems
About modes
Instructions for using NetWare

This chapter explains how to configure the Internal Print Server for NetWare. First, you need to set up the printer in a NetWare environment, and then configure the Internal Print Server using EpsonNet WinAssist.

Supported systems

NetWare 3.1/3.11/3.12 (Bindery)
NetWare 4.1/4.11 (NDS, Bindery emulation)
IntranetWare (NDS, Bindery emulation)
NetWare5™ (NDS, Queue-based system, NDPS® Gateway 2.0)

The client environment must be supported by NetWare. Clients are able to use the printer driver mounted on the Internal Print Server.


About modes

You can choose from Print Server, Remote Printer, or Standby mode. We recommend that you select the Print Server mode unless the number of users exceeds the limit.

Features of the modes are described below.

Print Server mode (NDS/Bindery Print Server):

Remote Printer mode:

When you turn on the printer, the user account is temporarily accessed in Remote Printer mode. If there is no free space in the user account, turn on the printer before the client logs in to the file server.

Standby mode (factory default mode):

The Standby mode is the default mode. With this mode, all NetWare related functions stop. Use Standby mode when you are not using the Internal Print Server in a NetWare environment.


Instructions for using NetWare

Printing a text file

When you print a text file using the NPRINT command of NetWare or DOS, redirection, misconversion or a gap in characters might occur depending on the client environment.

PCONSOLE limitation

To use the Internal Print Server in Print Server mode, you cannot use the Print Server status display control with PCONSOLE.

Bindery and NDS

See your NetWare 4.1x or NetWare 5 documentation for more information.

IPX routing protocol "NLSP"

It is possible to select the IPX routing protocol "NLSP" from NetWare 4.1x or later; however, the Internal Print Server does not support NLSP. RIP/SAP controls the communication.

You can select the routing protocol from a) NLSP with RIP/SAP Compatibility or b) RIP/SAP Only. If you remove the bind of RIP or SAP when NLSP with RIP/SAP Compatibility is specified, the Internal Print Server is not able to communicate with the file server and NDS. (See "Protocols" and "Bindings" in NetWare's INETCFG utility.)

Time required to recognize the Internal Print Server

It takes up to two minutes for the NetWare server to recognize the Internal Print Server after turning on the printer. During this start-up time, a status sheet will not show the correct information.

Frame type

The same frame type should be used for the NetWare server and IPX router on the same network. If more than one frame type is used on the same network, bind all frame types to the NetWare servers and IPX routers.

For NetWare 5

The IPX protocol must be installed (bound) to the NetWare 5 server.

Instructions for modes

If the mode you have logged in is different from the mode you set for the Internal Print Server, a message appears when you try to configure the Internal Print Server for NetWare. If you do not want to change the current settings, click Cancel and log in again with the same mode you have set for the Internal Print Server.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2002, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION