Administrator's Guide


EpsonNet WinAssist/MacAssist/WebAssist

EpsonNet WebAssist Utility

Opening screen
Information - Printer screen
Information - Network screens
Configuration - Printer screens
Configuration - Network screens
Optional screens

This section describes the functions of EpsonNet WebAssist.

When using Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator in Macintosh or Netscape Navigator in UNIX, or when EpsonNet WebManager 1.00aE shipped with the EPSON interface card is installed in your computer, the Information-Printer and Configuration-Printer settings may not be available. Use the printer's control panel to make these settings.

Opening screen

Any user can access the following screen by typing the IP address of the Internal Print Server for the URL in your browser.



Links to the opening screen.


Links to Help.

About WebAssist

Links to the copyright and version information for EpsonNet WebAssist.

Link to EPSON

Links to the EPSON Web site.


Links to a web site previously defined by the administrator.

EPSON logo

Links to the EPSON Web site.


Information - Printer


Displays the printer device information.


Displays the consumable information.


Displays the input information.


Displays the print settings.


Displays the emulation information.


Displays the printer interface information.

Information - Network


Displays the Internal Print Server information.


Displays information about NetWare.


Displays information about TCP/IP.


Displays information about AppleTalk.


Displays information about NetBEUI.


Displays information about SNMP.

Configuration - Printer


Change the input settings.


Change the print settings.


Change the emulation settings.


Change the printer interface settings.

Configuration - Network


Configure the applicable settings for NetWare.


Configure the desired settings/method for TCP/IP.


Configure the desired settings for AppleTalk.


Configure the desired settings for NetBEUI.


Configure the desired settings for SNMP.

Configuration - Optional


Type the name of the administrator and a link to a favorite Web site.


Resets the Internal Print Server and returns to the default settings.


Set the password to protects settings.


Information - Printer screen

This section explains about the Device and Consumable information screens. See Configuration - Printer screens about Input, Print, Emulation, and Interface information.



Panel canvas

Displays the same information that is displayed on the printer's control panel.


A signal shows the status level. The green light is on when the printer is idle or printing. The yellow light is on when the toner is low. The red light is on when the printer is out of paper or toner, if paper is jammed, the cover is open, or an error has occurred.

Printer image

Displays the printer image.

Error information box

Displays error/warning information for the printer.

Printer Model Name

The model name of the printer.

IP Host Name

The IP host name of the printer.

IP Address

The IP address of the printer.

MAC Address

The MAC address of the printer.


The installed memory size of the printer.


Capacity of the hard disk installed in the printer.



Total Pages Printed

Total number of pages that have been printed.


The amount of remaining toner.


Information - Network screens

This section explains General and Printer Status information. See Configuration - Network screens about NetWare, TCP/IP, AppleTalk, NetBEUI, and SNMP information.



Administrator Name

The administrator of the printer.

Interface Card Model Name

The type of the print server of the printer.

MAC Address

The MAC Address of the printer. You can distinguish the printer by its MAC Address.

Hardware Version

The hardware version of the Internal Print Server.

Software Version

The software version of the Internal Print Server.

Model Name

The model name of the printer.


A signal shows the status level. The green light is on when the printer is idle or printing. The yellow light is on when the paper or toner is low. The red light is on when the printer has no paper or no toner, if paper is jammed, the cover is open, or an error has occurred.

Refresh button

Refreshes the printer status.

The printer status is not updated automatically. Press the Refresh button to display the latest printer information.


Configuration - Printer screens

This section explains about printer information. With EpsonNet WebAssist, you can make some of the same printer settings that you can set using the printer's control panel. See the printer's reference guide for more information on each item.

A password is required when you click items under Printer on the Configuration menu.



MP mode

Select the MP mode, either Normal or Last.

MP Tray Paper Size

Select the paper size for MP tray.

ENV Tray Paper Size

Select the envelope size for Envelope Feeder. This setting is available only when the ENV tray is installed.

LC1 and LC2 Paper Size

Displays the currently loaded paper size in the lower paper cassettes.

LC3, LC4, and LC5 Paper Size

If the optional Large Capacity Paper Unit is installed, the currently loaded paper size in each cassette of Large Capacity Paper Unit is displayed.

MP Tray Paper Type

Select the paper type for MP tray.

ENV Tray Paper Type

Displays the paper type for ENV tray if it is installed.

LC1 and LC2 Paper Type

Select the paper type for the lower paper cassette.

LC3, LC4, and LC5 Paper Type

Select the paper type for each cassette of Large Capacity Paper Unit only if the optional Large Capacity Paper Unit is installed.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

Setup Menu



Menu Selection

Select Setup Menu.


Displays the current interface mode.

Interface Time Out

Type the length of the printer waits when it is on line and no new data is received. When this time is up, the printer searches for new print data on other channels.


Select whether or not to save power by reducing the power to the fixing heater if the printer receives no data for certain period of time.


Select the displayed language.

Panel Lock

Select whether or not to lock the printer's control panel. If you select on, printer's control panel is locked.

Face-Up Tray

Turn this setting on after installing the optional Face-up Tray.


Select the setting for the optional Multibin Unit.


This setting is available when Stacker is selected for Outbin. Select Face-down or No Face-down.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

Printing Menu



Menu Selection

Select Printing Menu.

Paper Source

Select the paper source.

Paper Size

Select the paper size for printing.

Wide A4

Select whether or not printer to accepts wide A4 paper for printing.


Select whether the page is printed in portrait or landscape orientation.

Output Bin

Select the output tray for printout sheets.


Type the number of copies to be printed.

Manual Feed

This item selects manual feed mode.


Switches the resolution between 300 and 600 dpi.

Skip Blank Page

Select whether or not to skip a blank page.

Auto Eject Page

Select whether or not to eject pages automatically.


Select whether or not to print on both sides of paper. This setting is available only when the Duplex Unit is installed.


Specify the binding direction of the printout. This setting is available only when the Duplex Unit or Finisher Stapler is installed.


Specify whether printing starts from the front or back side of the page. This setting is available only when the Duplex Unit installed.


Select the staple type if Finisher Stapler is installed.

Staple Position

Select the position of the staple, left or right, if Finisher Stapler is installed.

Offset Stacking

Select whether or not to separate each set of printed copies when printing to the face-down tray.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

Configuration Menu



Menu Selection

Select Configuration Menu.


Select whether or not to adjust RITech setting. RIT produces smoother and crisper lines, text, and graphics.

Toner Save

Select whether or not to save toner. When on, the printer consumes less toner but print quality is reduced.


Adjusts the print density to make your printout lighter or darker.

Top Offset

Type a value to adjust the vertical position of the printing on the page.

Left Offset

Type a value to adjust the horizontal position of the printing on the page.

Top Offset B

Type a value to adjust the vertical printing position on the back side when printing on both sides. Available only when the Duplex Unit is installed.

Left Offset B

Type a value to adjust the horizontal printing position on the back side when printing on both sides. Available only when the Duplex Unit is installed.

Size Ignore

Select whether or not a paper size error is ignored.

Auto Continue

Select whether or not to permit the printer to automatically continue printing after a certain period of time when one of the following error occurs: paper set, print overrun, or insufficient memory error.

Page Protect

Select whether or not to allocate additional printer memory for printing data, as oppose to receiving it.

Image Optimum

Reduces the amount of graphics data when the data reaches the memory limit, allowing complex documents to be printed.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

Output Menu



Menu Selection

Select Output Menu.

Mailbin Name (1 through 10)

Type a name for each Mailbin if they are installed (up to 24 characters).

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

PS3 emulation



Error Sheets

Select whether or not to print an error sheet when any error occurs while the printer is in PS3 emulation mode.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

LJ4 Emulation




Select LJ4.

Font Source

Select the default font source.

Font Number

Type a default font number from the default font source.


Type a default font pitch if the font is scalable and fixed-pitch.


Type a default font height if the font is scalable and proportional.

Symbol Set

Select the default symbol set.


Type the number of lines for the selected paper size and orientation.

Source Symbol Set

Available only when an optional font ROM is installed.

Dest Symbol Set

Available only when an optional font ROM is installed.

CR Function

Select CR (carriage-return) or CR+LF (carriage-return/line-feed) operation whenever the print position exceeds the right margin.

LF Function

Select LF (line-feed) or CR+LF (carriage-return/line-feed) operation to add a line feed to each carriage return it receives.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

GL2 Emulation




Select GL2.


Select whether the emulation is similar to the GL/2 or the HP LaserJet 4 emulation of the GL/2.


Select whether the output from the software is scaled, and if so, how the scale factor is calculated: based on the output paper size of the software application.


Select whether the logical origin of the "plotter" is from the corner or the center of the paper.


Select the logical "pen" which "plots" the drawing.


Select the way in which lines end.


Select the way in which lines are joined.

Pen (0 to 6)

Select the thickness of the seven "pens" used to make the printout.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

ESCP2 and FX Emulation




Select ESCP2 or FX.


Select the font to be used for printing.


Select a character pitch.


Use this option to change the character spacing.

T. Margin

Use this option to specify the distance from the top of the sheet to the baseline of the first printable line.


Use this option to set the page length in lines.

CG Table

Use the character generator table option to select the graphics character table, or the italics table.


Use this option to select one of the international symbol sets.

Auto CR

Use the automatic carriage return option to perform a carriage-return line-feed (CR-LF) operation whenever the print position exceeds the right margin.

Auto LF

When you set AutoLF to Off, the printer does not send an automatic line feed (LF) command with each carriage return (CR). When on, the printer adds a line feed to each carriage return it receives.

Bit Image

With Bit Image set to Dark or Light, your printer can correctly emulate the graphics densities set with the printer command. When you select Dark, the bit image density is high. When you select Light, the bit image density is low.

Zero Char

Select whether the printer prints a slashed zero or an unslashed zero.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.

1239X Emulation




Select 1239X.


Select a font.


Select a character pitch.

Code Page

Selects the character tables. Character tables contain the characters and symbols used in different languages.

T. Margin

Use this option to specify the distance from the top of the sheet to the baseline of the first printable line.


Use this option to set the page length in lines.

Auto CR

Use the automatic carriage return option to perform a carriage-return line-feed (CR-LF) operation whenever the print position exceeds the right margin.

Auto LF

When you set AutoLF to Off, the printer does not send an automatic line feed (LF) command with each carriage return (CR). When on, the printer adds a line feed to each carriage return it receives.

Alt. Graphic

Turns the Alternate Graphics option on or off.

Bit Image

With Bit Image set to Dark or light, your printer can correctly emulate the graphics densities set with the printer command. When you select Dark, the bit image density is high. When you select Light, the bit image density is low.

Zero Char

Select whether the printer prints a slashed zero or an unslashed zero.

Character Set

Select character table.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.



Speed (for Parallel Interface)

Select the transfer speed.

Bi-Directional (for Parallel Interface)

Enable or disable bidirectional communication.

Buffer Size

Select the amount of memory to be used for receiving data and printing data.

Set button

Saves any changes.

Reset button

Clears any changes and restores the previous settings.


Configuration - Network screens

NetWare Basic Configuration




Enable or Disable NetWare.

Frame Type

Select the appropriate frame type.


Select the appropriate NetWare mode.

NDS Tree Name

Type the NDS tree name (up to 31 characters).

NDS Context

Type the NDS context (up to 255 characters).

Print Server Mode



Primary File Server Name

Type the file server name (up to 47 characters) which the print server logs in.

Print Server Name

Type the print server name (up to 47 characters).

Polling Interval

Type the polling interval in seconds.

NetWare Password

Type the password (up to 20 characters) you use when you log in to the print server.

Remote Printer Mode



Primary Print Server Name

Type the primary print server name (up to 47 characters).

Printer Port Number

Type the printer port number.

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.



Get IP Address

Select the method of acquiring the IP address, either Auto or Panel.

IP Address

Type the IP address for the Internal Print Server if set to Manual.

Subnet Mask

Set the subnet mask.

Default Gateway

Set the gateway address if needed.

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.




Enable or Disable AppleTalk.

Printer Name

Type the name of the printer (up to 32 characters).

Entity Type

Displays the Entity type of the printer.

Zone Name

Specify the AppleTalk zone.

Network Number Set

Select Auto or Manual. It should be set to Auto for most systems.

Network Number for Manual Mode

Specify the network number when you select Manual for Network Number Set.

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.




Enable or Disable NetBEUI.

NetBIOS Name

Type the computer name (NetBIOS name) up to 15 characters.

Workgroup Name

Type the workgroup name or domain name (up to 15 characters).

Device Name

Type the device name (up to 12 characters).

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.




Read Only

Displays the community name. It cannot be changed.


Specify the Read/Write community name (up to 32 characters).

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.

IP Trap




Enable or Disable the trap.


Type the IP address of the Internal Print Server.

Community Name

Type the community name (up to 32 characters).

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.

IPX Trap




Enable or Disable the trap.


Type the Network Address and Node Number (MAC Address).

Format: Network Address: Node Number

Assume that the Network Address is A7E00BB0 (hexadecimal) and Node Number is 000048930000 (hexadecimal). In this case, the address is A7E00BB0:000048930000.

Community Name

Type the community name (up to 32 characters).

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.


Optional screens

You can link to the web site specified in this screen when you click Favorite (the name is changeable) in the Index.



Administrator Name

Type the name of the administrator.

Favorite Name

Type the link item name (up to 20 characters) which will be displayed in the Index menu.

Favorite URL

Type a URL (up to 64 characters).


Input any comments concerning the URL (up to 64 characters).

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.

Links to ftp are not supported.

You can initialize or reset the Internal Print Server.



RESET button

Functions like turning the power off and on again. Click this button to make the changes effective.


Returns the Internal Print Server to the default settings.

The password set here protects the settings. You will be asked for the password when you update or change the settings on each setting screen.



Old Password

Input the old password. There is no default password.

New Password

Input the new password (up to 20 characters).

Re-input Password

Re-input the new password.

SUBMIT button

Update the changes.

  • The same password can be used for EpsonNet WinAssist, MacAssist, and WebAssist.
  • If you forget your password, initialize the printer. To do this, turn on the printer while pressing the Continue (Reset) button on the printer's control panel. Be aware that all the printer and network settings you have made will be cleared when you initialize.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2002, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION