Reference Guide


How to / Printing

Outputting to the Multibin Unit

To output to the Multibin Unit
Using the Multibin Unit

The optional Multibin Unit has 10 mailboxes, each capable of holding 45 pages of printed documents. Only A4 and Letter size documents can be output to the unit. Each mailbox can be given an individual assignment, to a person or a department. When outputting to the Multibin Unit you select the mailbox number. One is the number for the first mailbox from the top, and your printout goes directly to the private mailbox. You can output to a mailbox, and lock it to prevent other people from retrieving the printout.

  • The Multibin Unit cannot be installed at the same time as the Shifter.
  • Be careful not to output too many documents to a particular mailbox. Doing so may cause a paper jam in the Multibin Unit.
  • Your Administrator should control the use of passwords, and take care of paper jams in the Multibin Unit.

To output to the Multibin Unit

After installing the optional Multibin Unit, you can use it by accessing the printer driver or through the SelecType menu. Access Out Bin and select any of the one through 10 mailboxes. When making these selections, it is also possible to lock the mailbox and assign it a 4-digit password, without which the printouts in the tray are not accessible.

Printouts other than A4 or Letter size are output to the face-down tray even if they are directed to the Multibin Unit. Be especially careful when printing confidential materials.


Using the Multibin Unit

If the mailbox one, the first from the top, is assigned to you, only you have access to the printouts output to the mailbox through your confidential password. You can also send printouts to your own mailbox. This is a valuable feature if you are not able to immediately retrieve your document from the output tray. To do this you need to select your own mailbox in the printer driver or the Mail Box Menu of SelecType.

Passwords used for opening the mailboxes are programmed into the printer. To access a particular mailbox, press the Open button on the Multibin Unit. The LED lights on the front of the Multibin Unit light up indicating the mailboxes that do not have their passwords enabled, and Open Mailbox is displayed on the LCD panel. Those mailboxes can be opened without a password. To open mailboxes that have their passwords enabled, press the Open button. Enter Password = XXXX is displayed on the Control Panel. Enter the password using the eight buttons on the Control Panel. The Xs will be replaced with - (hyphens). If the password is correct, you can open the mailbox. Take out your documents and close the mailbox. If you don't open the mailbox, it's locked again automatically in 20 seconds after pressing the Open button. If no mailboxes have their passwords enabled, Enter Password = XXXX is not displayed.

Enabling and Disabling Passwords

You can use the Mail Box Menu of SelecType to set passwords for the mailboxes in the Multibin Unit. The mailbox passwords can be set to Enable (locked) or Disable (unlocked). When a mailbox password is set to Enable you have to enter the correct password to open the mailbox. When a password is enabled MBn Disable Password is displayed on the LCD panel, indicating that you can disable the password.

Changing the Password

To change the password for a mailbox in the Multibin Unit, use the M-Box Password Menu of SelecType. After entering the Selectype mode and selecting the M-Box Password menu, follow the directions below to change the password.

Selecting the Mailbox

Select a mailbox by using the item button. MailboxN Password
(N: bin 1 to 10) appears on the LCD panel.

Entering the Current Password

Press the Enter button. Enter Password = XXXX is displayed if a password has been enabled for the mailbox. You may then enter your current password. Xs in the display change to - (hyphens) one by one. If a wrong password is entered, Password Error appears.
If no password has been enabled, New Password = XXXX is displayed. Enter your new password.

Entering the New Password

When New Password = XXXX appears, enter the new password by using any four of the eight available buttons.

To make it easier to remember, numbers from 1 to 8 are given to the buttons. Be sure to keep your password in a safe place to refer to in case you forget it.

Confirming the New Password

Confirm your password by entering the password again. When Confirmation = XXXX is displayed, enter your password again. If the password is incorrectly entered, Password Error appears. Password Enabled appears for a few seconds if the password is correctly entered. The new password is stored in the printer's memory.

To avoid confusion, it is advisable to put the name of each user on the corresponding mailbox.



Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2001, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION