Network Guide


How To / EpsonNet WinAssist Configuration Utility

Menu Bar

Timeout option
Search method
Search options
Firmware update

EpsonNet WinAssist provides the following menus and sub-menus.

Device menu:

View menu:

Tool menu:

Help menu:

Timeout option

Set the length of time before a timeout occurs (between 2 and 120 seconds). The default value is 6 seconds. A communication error occurs if this time is exceeded. If you set a larger value, it takes more time to search for the network printers. Therefore, change this value only if you prefer.

Select Refresh from the View menu or restart EpsonNet WinAssist for the settings to take effect.


Search method

You can select the connections and protocols to search for a print server. You can select from the following: LAN connection using TCP/IP, IPX, and NetBEUI protocols, or USB connection.

Select the Select All radio button to search for print servers with all the available connections and protocols, or select the Select Individually radio button to select the preferred connections and protocols.

Select Refresh from the View menu or restart EpsonNet WinAssist for the settings to take effect.

EpsonNet WinAssist installed on Windows XP does not support NetBEUI as a search protocol because officially the NetBEUI protocol is not supported on Windows XP.


Search options

Search Options-IP

To search for print servers in other segments, set the specific network address and the subnet mask. The settings you modified on this screen do not affect the search parameters used for EpsonNet WinAssist EasySetup.

Select Refresh from the View menu or restart EpsonNet WinAssist for the settings to take effect.



Search specified address

Select this check box to search for a print server located outside the router.

Network Address

Enter the network address (valid range 0 to 255) of the print server you want to find. Enter 0 for the local address.

Subnet Mask

Enter the subnet mask of the IP address.

List box

Displays network addresses and subnet masks that have been registered.

Add button

Registers a network address (up to 20 addresses). Do not add the network address if it is in the same segment.

Remove button

Removes a network address and its subnet mask from the List box.

  • If you try to add an incorrect network address, the "The network address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX that you entered will be added to the list as XXX.XXX.XXX.X. Add this address?" message appears. Check the correct network address and then click OK to add it.
  • If you try to add the same network address, the "This network address has already been registered" message appears, which indicates this address cannot be added.

Search Options-IPX

When you manage the print server with IPX (NetWare), and when you want to configure the print server outside of the local network, set the network address of the print server. Select Refresh from the View menu or restart EpsonNet WinAssist for the settings to take effect.

  • To use this option, you need to log in to the NetWare server as a supervisor.
  • When using a dial-up network, delete any unnecessary addresses from the Search Addresses list to prevent charges for any extra accounts.



Search specified addresses

The display time can be reduced by selecting this check box and choosing the target networks; any unnecessary or unwanted information is then not obtained.

Network Address List

Displays all current network addresses.

Search Addresses

Displays the network address to be searched.

Add button

Select an address in Network Address List, and then click Add to add the address to Search Addresses (up to 256 address).

Remove button

Removes the selected address from the Search Addresses list.


Firmware update

You can update the firmware and EpsonNet WebAssist. Since the firmware update function is for the support purpose, usually you do not need to use this function. See the EpsonNet WinAssist online help for detailed information.



Version NPD0133-03, Copyright © 2003, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION