Online Reference Guide


Calibrating Your System

Using ICM, ICM/sRGB (For Windows 95, 98, 2000, and Millennium Edition Users)

If you use Windows 95, 98, 2000, or Millennium Edition and your output devices (printer and monitor) support the ICM color management system, you can use the ICM calibration method. Follow the steps below:

  • If your output devices do not support ICM, clear the check box.
  • If the Image Type setting is not 24-bit Color or 24-bit Color De-screening, this check box is available, but the function does not work.

Run a TWAIN-compliant application and start EPSON TWAIN HS.

Click Configuration. Select ICM (for Windows 95) or ICM/sRGB (for Windows 98, 2000, and Millennium Edition) in the Configuration dialog box, and click OK.

Make any other settings you want.

Click Scan.

The scanner scans an image using the ICM profile.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2001, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION