Reference Guide


Understanding EPSON TWAIN Pro Features / Using the EPSON TWAIN Pro Main Dialog Box

Specifying Source and Target Image Sizes

The Source values indicate the size of the image that is displayed or selected in the Preview window.

The Target values indicate what size the image will be when it is output.

The image size settings are closely related to the Resolution setting. If you change image size or Resolution settings arbitrarily, the resulting image may not be what you expect.

Width (W) and height (H) values

The width and height of an image are indicated in the selected unit of measure. To change the size, you can type in new values or you can change the image area in the Preview window by creating a marquee, or frame. Do this by dragging the mouse over the desired area. See Overview for more information on marquees.


Select pixels, inches, or cm as the unit of measure.

Storage size indicator

The storage size of an image is indicated in KB or MB. As you change the image area in the Preview window, this value also changes.

Lock button



Clicking the lock button automatically scales the Source image size to fit the Target image size while preserving the image's original width-to-height proportions. This is especially useful when printing. In this case, enter the width and height of the printable area of the paper as the Target image size and then click the lock button. The Source image size is automatically scaled to fit the paper while maintaining the current width-to-height ratio.


Use the Scale settings to reduce or enlarge the image. The range of possible reduction or enlargement varies depending on the current resolution setting.

Move the slider or click the left or right arrows to change the image size in 1% increments. You can also type a value in the Scale field.



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