Administrator's Guide


Configuring the Internal Print Server / EpsonNet WinAssist Configuration Utility

Details of the Configuration Dialog Box



The Information menu shows the various Internal Print Server parameters.



MAC address

Displays the name of the Internal Print Server.
You can check the MAC address on a network status sheet.

Hardware version

Displays the hardware version of the Internal Print Server.

Software version

Displays the software version of the Internal Print Server.

Printer model

Displays the product name of the printer.


Enter the location of the Internal Print Server.

Return to default

Resets all configuration settings of the Internal Print Server to the default settings.


Updates the settings.


Cancels any changes.


Accesses help.



To use the printer in the TCP/IP environment, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen. See Configuring Your Printer Using EpsonNet WinAssist for more details.



Get IP address

Select a method for acquiring IP addresses.

Set by PING

Enables or disables IP address setting using the ping command.

IP address

Enter an IP address for the Internal Print Server. Be sure that the IP address is unique and does not conflict with any other device on the network.

Subnet mask

Enter the subnet mask of the IP address.

Default gateway

Enter the gateway address.

Use a private IP address when an IP address cannot be assigned by the DHCP server

Select this check box to assign an private IP address automatically without using the DHCP server on your network.

Universal Plug and Play

Enables or disables the Universal Plug and Play.

Universal Plug and Play device name

Enter the device name for the Universal Plug and Play.



To use the printer in the NetWare environment, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen. You can configure the Internal Print Server either in Print Server mode or Remote Printer mode.

  • Log in to the NetWare server or the NDS context with supervisor privileges.
  • If the current login environment is different from the current configuration of the Internal Print Server, a message appears when you run EpsonNet WinAssist. If you do not want to change the current Internal Print Server configuration, click Cancel and log in to the NetWare server or the NDS context with the same mode set to the Internal Print Server again.

Print Server mode

To use the printer with Print Server mode, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen.

When you save the settings, the Printer Objects, named PR0 for Bindery mode or print server name_P0 for NDS mode, are automatically created. To change the printer name, use PCONSOLE or NWADMIN.



use NetWare

Select this box when using NetWare. This check box is dimmed when using the printer only in the NetWare environment.


Select the mode, either Print Server/Bindery or Print Server/NDS.

Frame type

Leave the default frame type (Auto) as it is.

Tree name

Only for the NDS mode:
Click the Browse button and select the NDS context so the Tree name is also selected.


Only for the NDS mode:
Click the Browse button and select the NDS context.


Browse the NDS context.

Primary file server name

Only for the Bindery mode:
Select the server where the print server logs in.

Print server name

Select or enter the print server name.

Print server password

Enter the password to log in to the print server (up to 20 characters). See the NetWare documentation for more details. Usually you do not need to set.

Re-Input password

Enter the password again.

Polling interval

Set the polling interval between 5 to 90 seconds. See the NetWare documentation for more details. Usually you do not need to set.

Print Queue Configuration

Make print queue settings. If you have assigned the queue with PCONSOLE, NWAdmin, or EpsonNet!2 for Windows (an older version of the configuration utility), reassign the print queue here.

Print Queue Configuration dialog box

When you click the Print Queue Configuration button in the Print server menu, the following dialog box appears.

You can make queue settings for a higher context than the context you specified in the NDS context box. In this case, you must have a supervisor privileges for the context in which you set the queue.



Queue name

Displays the queue name that is assigned to the print server by browsing the queue.


Click the Browse button to select a queue. You can also create or delete a queue.

Queue list box

Lists the print queues.


Adds a print queue.


Removes a print queue.


Updates the settings.


Cancels any changes.

For NDS mode: Select the context where you want to create a queue, right-click it, and then select Create Queue. Type a queue name (up to 47 characters). Browse for the context, and select the volume name from the drop down list. The queue will be created under the SYS volume of the file server. If you want to create a queue in another volume, use PCONSOLE or NWAdmin to create a queue.

Remote Printer mode

To use the printer with Remote Printer mode, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen.



use NetWare

Select this box when using NetWare. This check box is dimmed when using the printer only in the NetWare environment.


Select Remote Printer.

Frame type

Leave the default frame type (Auto) as it is.

Tree name

Leave as is.


Leave as is.


Not available.

Primary print server name

Enter the primary print server name which is created by PCONSOLE or NWAdmin (up to 47 characters).

For NDPS Gateway, enter the SAP name you have set for NetWare (up to 47 characters).

Printer port number

Enter the printer port number.

For NDPS Gateway, enter the same printer number you have set for NetWare (between 0 and 254).



To use the printer in the NetBEUI environment, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen.



use NetBEUI

Select this box when using NetBEUI. This check box is dimmed when using the printer only in the NetBEUI environment.

NetBIOS name

Enter the printer's NetBIOS name (up to 15 characters). Be sure to give a unique name that will not cause conflicts with any other device on the network.

Workgroup name

Enter the workgroup name or domain name used for the Windows network environment (up to 15 characters).

Device name

Enter the printer's device name (up to 12 characters). Do not use LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, or COM.



To use the printer in the AppleTalk environment, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen.

To make AppleTalk settings with EpsonNet WinAssist, the following conditions must be maintained;
  • The Internal Print Server has a valid IP address other than the default IP address (
  • You have logged in to the NetWare server or the NDS context with supervisor privileges.
  • The shared service is installed in the computer.



use AppleTalk

Select this box when using AppleTalk.

Printer name

Enter the name of the printer (up to 32 characters).

Zone name

Enter the network zone name (up to 32 characters). To have the zone selected automatically, select Auto as the Network number set option and enter an asterisk (*) in this box.

Entity type

Displays the entity type of the printer. Do not change the entity type unless "epson" is displayed. If "epson" is displayed, click the Entity configuration button and enter the entity type to match the driver for the printer.

Entity configuration

If "epson" is displayed in the Entity type box, press this button and enter the entity type (up to 32 characters).

Network number set

Selects the method for acquiring the network number. Auto is usually preferred.

Network number for manual mode

Enter a value between 0 and 65534 when Manual is selected for the Network number setting.



To use the printer in the IPP environment, configure the Internal Print Server on this screen.




Displays the printer's URL for Internet Printing.

http://IP address of Internal Print Server:631/ printer name set below


Printer name

Enter the printer name to use for Internet Printing (up to 127 characters).



Enter the name of the printer's physical location (up to 64 characters).



In the SNMP menu, you can set SNMP information.



Read Only

The word "public" is always displayed.


Enter the Read/Write community name (up to 32 characters).

enable IP Trap 1 or/and 2

Enable or Disable the IP trap 1 or/and 2.


Enter the IP address of the server to which the trap is transmitted.


Enter the community name (up to 32 characters).

enable IPX Trap 1 or/and 2

Enable or Disable the IPX trap 1 or/and 2.


Enter the Network Address and Node Number (MAC Address) of the server to which the trap is transmitted.

Network Address: Node Number

Assume that the Network Address is A7E00BB0 (hexadecimal) and Node Number is 000048930000 (hexadecimal). In this case, the address is A7E00BB0:000048930000.


Enter the community name (up to 32 characters).



Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2002, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION