Reference Guide


Problem Solver

Online Problem Solving

For Windows users
For Macintosh users

For Windows users

The Problem Solver provides you with tips to help solve any problems you may encounter when using your printer. Depending on your location, the Problem Solver may not be accessible. In this case, you can access Technical Support Web Site instead of the Problem Solver.

If you encounter a problem, access the Problem Solver or Technical Support Web Site in one of the following ways:

Click Start, point to Programs and then to Epson, then click ESP790 Problem Solver or Technical Support.

Click Technical Support in the Status Monitor 3 dialog box.

Click Technical Support on the Main menu of the printer driver.

If you access the Problem Solver and cannot solve your problem, contact Technical Support for assistance by clicking the Technical Support Web Site link in the Problem Solver.


For Macintosh users

EPSON's Technical Support Web Site provides help with problems that cannot be solved using the troubleshooting information in your printer documentation.

To access Technical Support, insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive. If the Install Printer Driver/Utility folder appears in the EPSON folder, open it and then double-click the Technical Support Web Site icon. If separate folders for several languages appear, double-click the folder for your preferred language. Open the Installation folder and then double-click the Technical Support Web Site icon.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2001, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION