Using the Dust Removal feature in Epson Scan, you can virtually “clean” the dust marks from your originals as you scan them.
Original image
Dust Removal applied
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Before scanning your originals, carefully remove any dust that you can see on them.
Follow these steps to remove dust marks using Epson Scan.
Start Epson Scan. See one of these sections for instructions.
When the Epson Scan window appears, do one of the following, depending on the currently selected scan mode.
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Select the basic settings for the type of your original(s), then select the destination setting for the way you will use your image(s). See Selecting Basic Settings.
Do one of the following to select the Dust Removal option.
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The result of the dust removal does not appear in the image in the Preview window. You must scan the image first.
Click the Scan button to scan and remove dust marks in your image(s).
What happens next depends on how you started Epson Scan. See Finishing the Scan.
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