Online Reference Guide



Changing the SCSI ID Number or SCSI Board

If you are using your scanner with Windows 98 and you want to change the scanner's SCSI ID number or replace the SCSI board with a new one, follow the steps below.

Note for users of Windows (except Windows 98):
When you change the scanner's SCSI ID number or replace the SCSI board, you do not need to remove your scanner, however, be sure to turn off your computer and scanner.

Click the Start menu, point to Settings and click Control Panel, then double-click the Scanners and Cameras icon.

Select your scanner in the installed devices list, then click Remove.

Click OK and close the dialog box.

Turn off your computer and scanner.

Change the SCSI ID number, or replace the SCSI board. See your Setup Guide for details.

Turn on your scanner and then your computer.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

If the EPSON Scanners Driver Disk is requested, insert the Scanner Software CD in the CD-ROM drive and make sure to specify the correct drive letter, the EPSON folder, the folder of your preferred language, and the WinME, Win98, or Win2000 folder as the location respectively.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2003, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION