Administrator's Guide



Problems Using EPSON Status Monitor 3

The Current Status menu shows "A communication error has occurred."
Cause What to do
The printer is turned off. Make sure that the power cord is properly plugged into the electrical outlet. Turn on the printer.
The printer is running a self-test or initializing itself. Turn off the printer to terminate the self-test, and then turn it on again. Allow the printer enough time to finish initialization.

The printer is not ready to print.

Make sure the printer is ready to print. For details, see the user's guide of your printer.

The status information does not match the real status of the printer.
Cause What to do

EPSON Status Monitor 3 monitors the printer at regular intervals.

Wait until EPSON Status Monitor 3 monitors the printer next time.

NetWare printers cannot be monitored.
Cause What to do

You are using EpsonNet WinAssist.

You cannot use EPSON Status Monitor 3 and EpsonNet WinAssist at the same time. Quit EpsonNet WinAssist and use EPSON Status Monitor 3. If you use EpsonNet WinAssist, quit EPSON Status Monitor 3 first.

You can only monitor NetWare printers in Remote Printer mode if the printer port number is set to 0.
Cause What to do

This is set internally by EPSON Status Monitor 3.

Use the NetWare control tool to set the port number to 0.

NDS printers cannot be monitored.
Cause What to do

You are not using Novell's Client.

If you are using Windows NT, use Novell IntranetWare Client. If you are using Windows 95, use Novell IntranetWare Client 32.

An application error occurs, and NetWare printers cannot be monitored when Allow monitoring for shared printer is selected for monitoring Windows shared printers under Windows NT 4.0.
Cause What to do

There is a known bug in the operating system.

Install Service Pack 2 or higher before monitoring Windows shared printers under Windows NT 4.0.

The specification of EPSON Status Monitor 3.

Double-click Services in the Control Panel and stop the EPSON Printer Status Agent service. Restart EPSON Status Monitor 3 and then restart the service. This procedure must be repeated every time you log on to Windows NT 4.0.

Windows shared printers cannot be monitored.
Cause What to do

This is set internally by EPSON Status Monitor 3.

Right-click the Network Neighborhood and then click Properties. Verify that File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks is shown in the list of installed components.

Verify that EPSON Status Monitor 3 is installed in the computer hosting the Windows shared printer, and be sure that the Allow monitoring of shared printers check box is checked in the Monitoring Preferences dialog box.

In Windows 98/95, IPX/SPX compatible protocols cannot be set on the control panel Network and Network module.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2002, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION