Administrator's Guide



General Problems

Unable to configure the Internal Print Server or unable to print from the network.
Cause What to do

Printer settings or network settings may be incorrect.

First, check if you can print a status sheet, as described in Printing a status sheet.

If not, set the interface mode of the printer's control panel to Auto or Option. If you can print a status sheet, check the network settings.

Unable to set the IP address using arp/ping commands.
Cause What to do
The network cable may be disconnected. Connect the network cable. Also, check the network environment.

The Get IP Address setting on Network Menu of the printer's control panel is incorrect.

Select PING for Get IPAddress in Network Menu of the printer's control panel.

Unable to start EpsonNet WinAssist.
Cause What to do

You have added or deleted protocols after installing EpsonNet WinAssist.

Uninstall EpsonNet WinAssist and reinstall it.

The message "TCP/IP cannot be used." appears when you start EpsonNet WinAssist.
Cause What to do
TCP/IP is not installed in the computer. Install TCP/IP protocol.

The computer's IP address is not set correctly.

Set the IP address for the computer.

The message "Could not complete communicating configuration data" appears when you send settings to the Internal Print Server.
Cause What to do

You are using a dial-up router.

Run Command Prompt from the computer in which EpsonNet WinAssist/MacAssist is installed, then type the following command;

Format: >ROUTE_ADD_the IP address of the Internal Print Server_ the IP address of the computer (the under bar represents one space)

Example: >ROUTE ADD

Unable to make settings using EpsonNet WebAssist.
Cause What to do

You haven't set the IP address for the Internal Print Server.

Set the IP address for the Internal Print Server using EpsonNet WinAssist, MacAssist, or the arp/ping commands, as described in the "Connecting to the Network" section. You can check the IP address on a status sheet.

The Printer Model and IP Address do not appear in the EpsonNet WinAssist dialog box.
Cause What to do

If the IP address is set to the default IP address.

Set a valid IP address.

Refresh the status. To do this, select Refresh from the View menu.

Set the larger value for the time-out. To do this, select Timeout from the Tool menu. In this case, EpsonNet WinAssist becomes slow-moving.

An extra account might be generated when using the dial-up network.
Cause What to do
NetWare is set to Enable even though you are not using NetWare. Set NetWare to Disable in the NetWare screen of the EpsonNet WebAssist.

How to get an IP address.
In order to acquire your IP address, you need to apply with NIC (Network Information Center) in your country. Ask your system administrator for more information.


Version 1.00E, Copyright © 2002, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION