Sharing Problems

The Ready light is on but nothing prints
In Windows XP, a communication error occurs when monitoring a Windows shared printer from a client computer.

The Ready light is on but nothing prints


What to do

You may not have the necessary permissions or access type for the spooling folder.

Right-click the icon for your printer, then click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, click the Optional Settings tab. Then click Driver Settings and next click Spooling Folder Settings. Confirm which folder is set as the spooling folder. Make sure that the folder’s permissions allow full control or that the access type allows full access. If applicable, make sure that the name in permissions is Everyone.

In Windows XP, a communication error occurs when monitoring a Windows shared printer from a client computer.


What to do

The server’s printer port setting may have been changed.

On the server, right-click the icon for the printer, then click Properties. Click the Optional Settings tab, then click Monitoring Preferences. Clear the Allow monitoring of shared printers check box, then click OK.Click Monitoring Preferences again, then select the Allow monitoring of shared printers check box. Click OK to close the Monitoring Preferences dialog box, then click OK to close the Advanced Properties dialog box.
