WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol for Wi-Fi networks. Data is encrypted using the WEP key providing security for your Wi-Fi network. You must set the same WEP key to the network interface and the access point.
The network interface supports a 64-bit or 128-bit encryption key, and you can use either hexadecimal or ASCII characters.
WPA-PSK (TKIP) and WPA-PSK (AES) are Wi-Fi security protocols with a strong encryption algorithm as well as user authentication. It provides high security in which user data remains protected and only authorized users may access the network. WPA-PSK is also called WPA-Personal.
WPA2-PSK (AES) is an encryption format that utilizes AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the newer format of WPA-PSK (TKIP), and has stronger encryption. WPA2-PSK is also called WPA2-Personal.
The wireless transmission speed is reduced when WEP, WPA-PSK(TKIP), or WPA2-PSK (AES) is enabled because time is required for encryption and decryption.
SSID is a unique identifier to specify a wireless network. All devices and access points connected to a specific wireless network must use the same SSID to communicate with devices on the wireless network. If the wireless network access point and the computer do not share the same SSID, they will not be able to communicate with each other.