Photo Print Software Setup


Using EPSON PhotoStarter and EPSON CardMonitor


EPSON PhotoStarter automatically launches EPSON PhotoQuicker and loads photo data when a memory card is inserted into the memory card slot of your computer or product. EPSON PhotoStarter also allows you to save photos in a selected folder or in separate folders according to the day they were taken.

EPSON CardMonitor works with EPSON PhotoStarter to monitor the memory card slots on your computer and product.

This section includes information about the system requirements for EPSON PhotoStarter and EPSON CardMonitor, and procedures for installing, accessing, and uninstalling EPSON PhotoStarter and EPSON CardMonitor. It also includes information about troubleshooting and changing settings in EPSON PhotoStarter.


Version NPD0630-00, Copyright © 2004, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION